look up..look down
look at phone…glance around
back to phone
..normal pace
..…...act cool, rouge, hip, scowl….
different tracks,shoes,continents but
different tracks,shoes,continents but
look accessible.....edgyly accessible
look smart…..interested
caring…..look caring……
smile…..look away…..
..pace yourself……all this space….
look down…look away…..
look at phone, check time, check weather,
check time, check calendar, check social umbilical cord…….
[space these out sparingly]
[space these out sparingly]
look around
…..nod, smirk, understanding……..
judge, indignant
indifferent, back to judging…….
crack, puddle, gum
………..look overhead/s, look under sky
look down at your cellular phone
looking down at your cell phone
looked down at your phone
will be looking down at your smart phone
will have been looking down at your mobile