Friday, March 18, 2011

JPJ's new poems enter local DC literary contest

-This week we entered 3 new poems from Jimmy into a local DC literary contest. I tried to attach a beautiful photo of Jimmie typing his poems literally from scraps of paper & napkins onto this blog, but technology?! prevented me for showing you the pix.....(perhaps later)

-So here are 3 freshly baked poems for your diet.

-Eat slowly and digest entirely.


1. Reparation Song

(in the Marlywinds surrounding le tombeau of Langston Hughes)

You wronged me now; did it again

Back in 1910. Promised a path

the deliquescence, then and again,

in 1810. And in 1911 sheltered me

from the tree of knowledge; I built

a hi-road for you, high up among the ash

and fir trees, where snakes and smokes and spiders

made their homes. My fear, I

got over it. So rivers

of gold

and rivers of silver flowed like honey

among the promist redemptions, for songs

I have yet to commit. Under

the tree of knowledge. Two sisters sat:

the check clicked on the clock. What

brothers I have who are still not dead yet,

the unincarcerated mellow like tobacco leaf

in prison. All that’s left is to languish, Lang.

Prepositorily all that’s left is the song.

You tell me and I’ll sing it.

2. Highway Song

Dodgson sang

to a Spanish guitar

and a Brazilian beat

The Church is always the Enemy of the State.

Gershwin sang

to a French guitar

with a Calypso beat.

The Church is always the Enemy of the State.

Nevada sang

I mean Neruda

he hasn’t stopped singing yet

Away he ran

he hasn’t stopped running yet.

3. On Looking into the Eight Ball

It’s not an odd thing, not odd at all;

even, in fact, if you’re thinking about the eight-ball:

in whose sacred precincts all futures revolve. Mine,

it says, may not be so sunny after all:

“Thou liest,” sez I, for I’ve been deep and long asleep

in the life of Shakespeare’s favorite creep:

Richard III. Also Poe,

who destabilized literature

(the world was his winter, the world his discontent)

penned like a lotion

to the ears of devotion

poison, his poison in the porches of mine ears.

Shall I worship,

like baudelaire on reading poe?

I think so;

stain’s darker half.

But this modern oracle

holy eight-ball, like a Shakespeare fool

full of holy fire

vessel which Richard read at Ganymede

pulls up better lives than egg’s albumen;

“you’ll never do it!”

“Thou liest,” quoth I, in echoes of the hubraical lament

down the dark and endless centuries.