Tuesday, June 19, 2018

don’t be an ocean

don’t lie 
you too
were thinking
the band.
there’s a 
holy tale.
a nothing to something.

a drummer that sing
a one armed drummer 
a ‘86summer 
the big hair 
without hairspray; an alternative

culture is heard read tasted believed
throat deep’d
i’ll take mine up the nose
scents of an orthodox 
and always 
follow that stream north
don't be an ocean

Sunday, June 17, 2018

myths needs mortal ink

only sow’d votre field
a seal’d deal.
autre jardin
pas pardon’d

not every songs
a hit
holi shit.
commit to album
flip it over 
please be kind

santa’s conditional
pas cool.
fairy du tooth
need teeth.
myths need 
mortal ink

Thursday, June 7, 2018


on writing:
in those luminescent innocent uninterrupted unedited moments just before sleep and just before being fully awake-airy white linens; these words are waiting to be born, feet first or head first, their a’coming out. Knowing your pregnant is the first step and delivering is the next; a natural birth conceived from an airy electric whitening of a moment. They each have names, personalities and something to give...try not to mold or control; allow space for breathing for movement; crawl to walk to run to sprint and back again.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

had had and the criminality

you woke up asleep again

the heart is a beat jem elfna square
pounding of the feet estafeta street.

how many umbrellas will I end up buying.

all shades of blue.

there is a cup 
on the edge 
of a table
over a cliff
on a faultline 
above the city
over the clouds 
at the end of the known 

had had
and the criminality
of clean’s
past perfect tense

Saturday, June 2, 2018

this will end

a truthful contradiction
deducible truth
paint’d gray
letter’d black an red.

this drink will end
this day will end
this show ends
this will end
this end

seulement rented

toute heure 
pas owned 
be moaned 
seulement rented
maintenant regretted 

diameter me

a sordid crack
woe porridge peddlers
addicted to the deductive
the logic of walking on water
chapter verse.
wagons will circle
diameter me