Sunday, October 28, 2007

stampeding of Our times

from this disposition

causing all this derision.

stampedes don’t have time

better if I was blind..

off the map, the compass falls

into a state of

grace- I knew her once

she whispered in my ear-love never stops.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Ssshhh!!!! The secret is now

Perhaps we are waiting for that special someone or something to come around that will truly stir us up, motivate and awaken us. Or maybe we are thinking that life, true life will begin once we are around that proverbial corner in life, finishing that degree, paying off that bill, purchasing that next thing, once the kids are older or once a task is complete. Projecting to the future gives us a sense of motivation, something to strive for, to motivate. But usually once we get around that corner there is some new stressor, obstacle or barrier to our life that then takes center stage.

The moment is this one, the time is now, and the person is you. The only thing that you can change is YOU. We have become masters of either living in the past or seeking to live in the future.

The secret of this life is that this life is here and now and waiting on you. This is the moment of your life-every second is a gift, which is ours for the asking. Ownership of this moment is up to you and is truly the most important task at hand.

How are we expected to love and change this world if we can’t change and love ourselves? This is where we all have to begin, in the present moment-seeking awareness of ourselves. Accepting where we are and who we are. Acknowledging that it is up to us to nurture this gift of life. Without first being centered- yourself, it will be difficult to give anything but conditional love to others. To change the world, your world has to become centered, focused and awaken to the present moment. Awaken to the beautiful Creator, creation, and spirit that dwells within each of us. nathanclark